Youth & Children Ministries
We seek to create an environment where young people and their families are encouraged to live into their calling in Christ. To accomplish this, our ministry offers young people and their families:
Nurturing - safety to grow into their identity
Empowering - opportunity to grow into autonomy
Belonging - full inclusion in the mission of God within the family of faith
Worship is the heart of our community. We encourage families to worship together either in person or via live stream. Children & youth are invited to participate in worship through drama, music, dance, spoken word, acolyte, serving communion, and/or as part of our tech team.
We welcome “wigglers” and “gigglers” in worship. Sunday services include a Children’s Message and in-sanctuary Children’s Worship Activities to help keep hands and minds active.
Mt. Zion practices an Open Table which means that children & youth are welcome to participate in communion with their families.
Youth Ministry
Our Youth Ministry invites young people in 6th – 12th grades to be involved in a community of peers and adults rooted in the unconditional love and grace we receive in Jesus. Through acceptance and friendship, youth experience the truth of the gospel in their lives.
Young people are invited and encouraged to be integral members of our church family as growing leaders and engaged disciples in every facet of our church’s life.
Children’s Ministry
We believe parents are the most significant people and teachers/influences in their children’s lives.
Mt. Zion partners with families to raise faith-filled children.
Sunday School
Sunday School for children 3 years old – 5th grades meets from 10:45 – 11:45 am. Parents/Grandparents are welcome to stay and join the action. We use Grow Kids Curriculum as a guide to communicating God’s love and grace.
Children 3-Kindergarten meet in Room 203 to be nurtured in the faith through Bible stories, music, creative play and activities.
Children in 1st-5th grade meet in room 132/134. Kids begin their time with music and then explore their Bibles, learn how those stories inspire us to grow in faith and together as God’s family through faith-based conversation and experiences.
We provide a professionally staffed Nursery from 8:50 – 11:10 am for children 8 weeks old to 4 years old. During the school year, from 10:15 – 11:00 am Preschool Sunday School meets in the Nursery Room.
Preschool Mini Camp
Preschool Mini Camp is a half-day combination camp/Vacation Bible School for children finishing 3-year-old and 4-year-old preschool programs. The camp provides a fun, faith-filled experience for young children the first two weeks of June while older kids are finishing their school year.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is for fun and for faith! VBS is held one week in July in the evening with music, drama, games, crafts, and so much more.
Family Friendly Intergenerational Ministries
Family Friendly Intergenerational Ministries: Living Nativity, Children’s Christmas Service, Easter Egg Hunt, Blessing Backpacks, 2nd Grade Bible Presentation, Blessing the Animals, Family Worship centered on an evening meal.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about Youth & Children’s Ministry at Mt. Zion, contact our Youth and Children Minister, Dr. Carol Wunderlich at youthandchildren@mtzionhighland.com or fill out the following form.